Short Film: Granny O'Grimm's Sleeping Beauty (Ireland, 2008)
Here's a cute little black comedy from Ireland that garnered some attention when it came out — it was even nominated for an Oscar as Best Animated Short, but lost out to Logorama, our Short Film of the...
View ArticleDie Toten Augen von London (Germany, 1961)
(Spoilers.) Edgar Wallace wrote The Dark Eyes of London in 1924, and since then it has been filmed "officially" three times. Alfred Vohrer is responsible for two film versions of the book, this one and...
View ArticleR.I.P.: Harry H. Novak, Part XIII: 1978–79
12 January 1928 — 26 March 2014"When I was a kid, my Daddy told me, 'There's a buyer for everything.' And I lived to find out that he was right."Harry H. NovakHarry H. Novak, alongside David F Friedman...
View ArticleTank Girl (USA, 1995)
Based on the comic character created by Jamie Hewlett and Alan Martin, this movie is one of those films that works much better on video than it ever did in the cinema when it first came out (and...
View ArticleShort Film: Help! My Snowman Is Burning Down (USA, 1964)
Here's quaint piece of Surrealism from the 1960s that once walked away with award nominations, including for an Oscar. (Contrary to what is said all over the web, it did not win: it lost to Larry...
View Article[Not Quite] 10 Best Films in 2014
The rules haven't changed since 2009: the movies are not presented in any special order, they need not be "good" in the traditional sense of the word, and they need not necessarily be from 2014 — they...
View ArticleDer Schwarze Abt / The Black Abbot (Germany, 1963)
Whether or not one views Der Schwarze Abt aka The Black Abbot as the 13th or 15th of the German post-war Wallace series depends how you look at it: two earlier Wallace films of the 15 to the date of...
View ArticleMaximum Overdrive (USA, 1986)
Today, over 25 years after the movie came out, the irony of the trailer still remains breathtaking: in it, when it comes to making a filmic adaptation of his work, Stephen King loudly proclaims that...
View ArticleR.I.P.: Harry Novak, Part XIV: 1980–86
12 January 1928 — 26 March 2014 "When I was a kid, my Daddy told me, 'There's a buyer for everything.' And I lived to find out that he was right."Harry H. NovakHarry H. Novak, alongside David F...
View ArticleShort Film: Love & Theft (Germany, 2010)
"And I'm still carrying the gift you gave,It's a part of me now, it's been cherished and saved,It'll be with me unto the graveAnd then unto eternity."(Bob Dylan)OK, were the music from an actual band,...
View ArticleThe Red Monks / I Frati Rossi (Italy, 1988)
(Spoilers) Also known, in Germany, as Sexorgien der roten Mönche, which literally translates into the truly inviting title, Sex Orgies of the Red Monks— and a misleading title, as there is nary an orgy...
View ArticleZombie Apocalypse (2011, USA)
Another movie — like Rise of the Zombies (2012) and Zombie Massacre(2013) — that, much like drawing straws, we simply pulled from the some multiple dozens of zombie flicks in the "Zombie Movies" folder...
View ArticleR.I.P.: Harry H. Novak, Part XV – Other People's Films & Addendum
12 January 1928 — 26 March 2014 "When I was a kid, my Daddy told me, 'There's a buyer for everything.'And I lived to find out that he was right." Harry H. NovakHarry H. Novak, alongside David F...
View ArticleMaximum Overdrive (USA, 1986)
Today, over 25 years after the movie came out, the irony of the trailer still remains breathtaking: in it, when it comes to making a filmic adaptation of his work, Stephen King loudly proclaims that...
View ArticleFilm Noir (Serbia, 2007)
Last week at our weekly bad film night, for some unexplainable reason we decided not to watch the direct-to-DVD horror film starring Uri Geller entitled Sanatoriumaka Diagnosis (2001 / German trailer)...
View ArticleShort Film: Happiest Monster (USA, 2006)
Like so many shorts, we stumbled upon this little "lo-fi" treasure on YouTube.It was a foundation year project of Jonathan Kim, made at Cal Arts. According to his Linked-In page, Kim, who attended Cal...
View ArticleSoft Target / Crooked (USA, 2006)
To put it bluntly, Soft Target— aka Crooked — isn't exactly a masterpiece of action. True, we did enjoy watching it — what male isn't made happy by naked love pillows (plastic or not) and shooting guns...
View ArticleZero 2 (Lithuania, 2010)
We caught this flick under the title Shoot 'Em Down,not knowing that it's actually a sequel to a Lithuanian flick made four years earlier by the same director, Emilis Velyvis, entitled Zero. Alyvine...
View ArticleMisc. Film Fun: Otres Aires — Milonga Sentimental
Just so you know, there is no such thing as Argentinean Tango — but let's move on.Many, many a moon ago, our better half took us to South America to see the country of her origin, Uruguay. The nation,...
View ArticleEmpire of Ash (Canada, 1988)
Full movie—as Empire of Ash II:Aka Maniac Warriors. A lot of films tried to ride on the wave of the original Mad Max films — Mad Max (1979 / trailer), Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981 / trailer) and...
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