Samurai Resurrection / Makai tenshô (Japan, 2003)
What came first, the chicken or the egg? When we finally meet our Great Creator, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, that is a question we plan to ask.In the case of Samurai Resurrection, however, what came...
View ArticleR.I.P.: Simon Newby
11 April 1961 (Long Eaton, Derbyshire, England)to13 May 2016 (Berlin, Germany)Here I am on sunny Mallorca, and the delayed news has arrived that an old pal of mine, Simon Newby, has died. The news is...
View ArticleZombie Honeymoon (New Jersey, 2004)
A low-budget film that gets an A for effort, Zombie Honeymoon is not for everyone. One thing for sure, steer clear if you think that, due to the film's slightly ridiculous title, what you have in your...
View ArticleShort Film: Meat Me in Plainville (USA, 2011)
Meat Me in Plainville from Greth Productions on Vimeo.OK, here a low budget film that could possibly be described as a black comedy were the ending, well, not so black. WE found it on io9, where they...
View ArticleSorority Row (USA, 2009)
If you want to get straight to the review, jump down to the next section, which begins more or less with a red-colored sentence, just above the trailer found further below to the original version, The...
View ArticleBerserker (Great Britain, 2004)
Over two decades ago, a concrete welder named Paul Matthews decided to leave the building trade and together with his siblings Elizabeth, Veronica, Janet, and Peter, form a B-movie company called...
View ArticleThe Devil's Rock (New Zealand, 2011)
"Fuck you, hell-whore!"Col Klaus Meyer (Matthew Sunderland)Go figure: for the DVD release in Germany, the powers that be renamed the flick Nazi Bitch — War Is Horror. A title that is far more...
View ArticleShort Film: La Dolce Gilda (USA, 1978)
That Saturday Night Live is an [US] American institution goes without saying. When it debuted in 1975, it was an instant hit. At our junior high in Alexandria, VA, it was often the main topic at school...
View ArticleCircle of Eight (USA, 2009)
(Spoilers.) Hey! Remember that really miserable Tara Reid movie entitled Incubus (aka A Total Piece of Shit) from 2006? (It's really OK if you don't; we wish we didn't.) That movie's only true claim to...
View ArticleTrailers of Promise: The Black Pit of Dr. M (1959)
Aka Mysteries from the Beyond. Original title: Misterios de ultratumba. And no, The Black Pit of Dr. M is not an instalment of the campy and fun German Dr. Mabuse franchise.That franchise, if you...
View ArticleThe Evil Dead (USA, 1981)
Actually, when we popped this baby in our DVD player last night we did so with some trepidation. Would this movie still hold up? Is it really as great as we remembered it? Way back when we saw it the...
View ArticleShort Film:The Facts In the Case of Mister Hollow (USA, 2008)
Here's an arty short horror film that overflows with atmosphere. The Facts In the Case of Mister Hollow was written by Rodrigo Gudiño, and directed by him and Vincent Marcone. Rodrigo Gudiño "is the...
View ArticleSonata (USA, 2004)
(Spoilers.) This obscure "horror" movie is the direct-to-video feature film directorial début of the unknown Ukrainian-born, LA-based filmmaker Boris Undorf, who wrote the script as well. Though...
View ArticleDer Rächer / The Avenger (Germany, 1960)
Based on the Edgar Wallace's novel The Avenger (aka The Hairy Arm), the film almost seems like a Rialto production due to the presence of Heinz Drache, Siegfried Schürenberg and Klaus Kinski — more or...
View ArticleFortress of Amerikkka (USA, 1989)
So, here we have the sophomoric sophomore feature-length movie of (former) Troma film director Eric Louzil, the man who likes to claim to have discovered Kevin Costner, as Costner's first film...
View ArticleShort Film: Le Queloune / The Clown (Canada, 2008)
Hey! Which came first, the chicken or the egg? We stumbled upon this short film while writing our review to the Eli Roth-produced horror film, Clown (2014 / trailer). But that review ain't going online...
View ArticleClown (USA, 2014)
Less than five minutes into this movie, a relatively minor character named Denise (Elizabeth Whitmere, of The Watch [2008 / trailer]) states, "I hate clowns." We feel pretty much the same way. We don't...
View ArticleDuel (USA, 1971)
(Spoilers.) Whether one likes the big-budgeted mainstream compost Spielberg releases every other year is one thing, but what cannot be argued about the man (despite his ever-increasing number of filmic...
View ArticleAirborne (Great Britain, 2012)
(Spoilers.) There seems to be a theme underlying this independent "horror thriller", and the filmmakers make sure you know it within the first minutes with the voiceover — voiced by the movie's...
View ArticleShort Film: Ghost Burger (Great Britain, 2013)
Here at A Wasted Life, we love claymation. And claymation plus gore, even better. Way back in Aug 2009, as our "Short Film of the Month" we presented a bloody masterpiece entitled Bloody Date by the...
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